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JOURNEY TO RAGNAROK è il modulo di avventura e ambientazione per personaggi dal 1° al 15° livello per la 5ed. ispirato ai miti e alle leggende norrene!. Un'avventura travolgente che da Midgardr porterà gli Eroi attraverso i Nove Mondi, in un viaggio epico in cui il fato dei comuni mortali si intreccerà con quello degli Dei, fino al momento definitivo: il Ragnarok. Journey To Ragnarok is an adventure and setting module for 5e characters of level 1st to 15th, inspired by Norse myths and legends. It is a captivating adventure that will lead the Heroes from Midgardr through the Nine Worlds. In an epic journey, the fate of men will be tied to that of the gods, until the nal moment, the Ragnarok. is book includes. Journey To Ragnarok PDF Release. A couple of months ago we've released all the existing Journey To Ragnarok PDF to the backers that decided to include them in their pledges, sending them to the drivethruRPG accounts linked to your backer email addresses. The Italian edition will be released as soon as Need Games will be ready.
You'll get both a full-color Hardback copy and the PDF of Journey To Ragnarok for 5e (5th Edition) signed by the authors. Special Mention in the Book as a Backer. SHIPPING NOT INCLUDED (see delivery specifications) Includes: Journey To Ragnarok (SIGNED Hardback Print) Journey To Ragnarok (PDF) Mead Recipe (PDF) Your Name in the Credits Less. Journey To Ragnarok was born from the union of two great passions: roleplaying game and, of course, Norse Mythology. Journey To Ragnarok is a Norse Mythology Adventure and Setting for 5e. Every single event, NPC or encounter that will cross Adventurers’ path is the result of more than 15 years of love, research, readings and travels. ZIP File. $ $ Average Rating (20 ratings) This Maps Pack includes all the maps designed for Journey To Ragnarok settings and adventures. This pack will be updated every time we'll publish a new JTR adventure or setting. The pack includes 21 HD maps, both with and without grid: Asgardr. Danevirke.